The Verdant Deep is an ongoing, long-form webcomic about a party of high-fantasy adventurers who will eventually call themselves The Appleseeds.
Script by Sincerely
Original story, layouts, pencils, and inks by Elliwiny
Colors and letters by Eriana
As an action-adventure romance comic The Verdant Deep will contain depictions of profanity, violence and death, nonsexual nudity, sexual situations, polyamory, occasional body horror, spiders (though most of them are pretty chill), and numerous critters; real, fictional, and unrealistically oversized.
Additional trigger warnings: The Verdant Deep is going to explore themes of suicide and suicidal ideation, post-traumatic stress, panic attacks, slavery, and other forms of trauma, as well as torture and abuse, both physical and psychological. Rarely–and generally in the course of other violence–harm will come to animals, but it will be treated in much the same way as violence towards human characters, which is to say, with respect and dignity.
We will generally not be labeling individual pages with warnings, but if you see anything in the comic that you think should be added to this list please contact us via 3d6wilddogs@gmail.com and we’ll address it as soon as possible.