Caeling (Wadi) // she/her
Profession: Wizard (Abjurer)
Full name: Elizabeau Quinn Al-Naadira
Misses the most: Coffee, sea breezes

Gnome // she/her
Profession: Druid
Backstory: Extremely tragic
Favorite food: Apples

Caeling (Geld) // she/her
Profession: Unknown (there’s an Angel in her head and they’re granting her powers)
Actual Profession: Formerly Ramailyan Military Police (set fire to HQ on her way out)
Hobbies: Depression napping, making friends with mushrooms

Wood Elf // they/them
Profession: Ranger
Greatest mystery: Are they Daredevil blind or are they Toph Beifong blind?
Wants: A drink

Half-Elf // she/her
Profession: Ranch hand
Weapon of choice: Pitchfork
Combat Experience: None

Pygmy Goat // she/her
Profession: Goat (familiar)
Party Role: The muscle
Dark Secret: She doesn’t even know

Drow // he/him
Profession: He can’t remember but it definitely has something to do with swords
Backstory: Can’t remember
Where is he supposed to be?: He’ll kill you first. He’s warning you.